Presidential Addresses

2020 - Pam Bourland-Davis

2019 - Jason Munsell

2018 - Victoria Gallagher

2017 - Roseann Mandziuk

2016 - Presidential Address to be published as lead article in SCJ 82.

2015 Jean DeHart

2014 - Presidential Address to be published as lead article in SCJ 80.

2013 - Presidential Address to be published as lead article in SCJ 79.

2012 - Presidential Address to be published as lead article in SCJ 78.

2011 - Presidential Address to be published as lead article in SCJ 77.

2010 - Patricia Amason

2009 - Jerry Hale

2008 - Craig Allen Smith

2007 - Charles H. Tardy

2006 - No Presidential Address Given

2005 - Terry M. Thibodeaux

2004 - Marilyn J. Young

2003 - Kate Hawkins

2002 - Trudy Hanson

2001 - Mary Evelyn Collins